Sunday, February 28, 2010

Making Money from Home: Two Ways to Make Your Work from Home Pay

Making money from home comes more easily for some people than others. If you're struggling with your efforts to earn money at home there are two small things you can do that will help you increase your earnings over time. Start doing them today and commit to doing them every day for dramatic improvements in your at home income.


1) Set office hours. It may sound a little nutty but it works like a charm. If you establish office hours and stick with them you'll find that you take your work more seriously and others around you take it more seriously as well. Now here's the kicker. You have to use your office hours to actually work (not play games, send emails, or goof off on your favorite social networking site) and you need to call it a day when your office hours are done. This will help your family respect your need to work because they know they'll get your undivided attention when the work day is done and make you take your work hours more seriously. It's a win-win situation.


2) Draw up a business plan. There are many benefits to doing this the two most obvious are that 1) it gives you a direction to take your business and 2) it forces you to treat your at home business more like a business. The more seriously you take your business the more likely you will be to actually work the plan you create. You don't have to go for a complicated business plan worthy of someone with an MBA. What you want is a plan you can follow that has a definite direction to take your business.


If you create an effective and aggressive business plan (and of course follow it) and combine that with office hours you'll see your business grow by leaps and bounds without your family and friends feeling neglected as a result of your efforts for making money from home.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

10 Tips on How to Become a Top Affiliate Associate

Affiliate marketing can be a great business to get started.  The concept is relatively simple to understand and it can be fun to do.  But, if you want to get to the top, you may find it can be tough.  The following are 10 tips on how to become a top affiliate associate:


1. Don’t expect to get rich as an affiliate associate.  It can take a lot of time to start earning a good income in this business and it is very rare for one to become rich from it.  However, if you work hard every day, you can have a successful career.


2.  Don’t be one of the associates that do not have their own website.  A website will help you to get a lot more sales than you could get without one.


3.  Develop a blog as another method of promoting your products and website.  If you look at the top affiliates in the business, you will find they all have a blog of their own.


4.  Hire web content writers to write reviews about the products you sell and post them on your website and your blog.  Never write a review about your own products, as it is not going to give you the best results.


5.  Keep track of the hours you are working.  Most people think they are working a forty hour work week and discover they are working far less than that.


6.  Do the research on the products before you start to promote them.  Make sure it is a product that will do well with your promotion.  Too often, affiliates waste a lot of time on products that will never have great sales.


7.  Know how to reach the target market of each product you sell.  You need to understand how to find them, so you can get your ads in front of them.


8.  Take marketing classes to further your knowledge on a variety of marketing strategies that can be used to promote your products.


9.  Take advantage of free online classified sites.  Many of them will allow you to place a link to your product in the ad. 


10.  Don’t give up, even when you think it is never going to happen.  Every top affiliate associate felt like giving up at one time or another.  You will only get to the top if you stick with it.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dividing Your Efforts in Online Marketing

The online business world is filled with people, just like you, who want to make money.  Of course, to make money, you must come up with a great marketing strategy for your business.  The one thing many business owners have a problem with is deciding which strategy they should be using.  If this seems to be the case, you need to learn how to divide your efforts in online marketing.


One mistake many people make with their online marketing is dividing it into too many parts.  They get so excited about the different ways they can advertise their products and services that they end up spreading themselves too thin.  This is a bad thing.  In order for a strategy to be effective, the time must be put into it.  If you don’t put the time needed into it, the results are going to be less than you expected or wanted.


One of the best ways to handle the various marketing techniques is to first choose one to concentrate on.  For example, if you have chosen article marketing, commit yourself to writing at least five articles a day, five days a week.  After you’ve become somewhat of an expert at this, you can continue with the strategy, but you can concentrate a large part of your time on another technique.  As you become an expert in several techniques, they will become easier and can get done quicker. 


After you have five or six different marketing techniques down to a tee, you can then work on dividing your efforts between them.  A typical day may be one hour spent on social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, two hours spent writing articles to be submitted to article directories, an hour spent on your blog, an hour in the forums and discussion groups, and another hour on product development.  Typically, for a beginner, this is impossible. 


Your online marketing should consist of several different techniques, however, if you are new to the business, start out slowly and become an expert on one, before moving to another.  The key to success is your ability to successfully work several techniques into your ongoing strategy and marketing your products and business.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bigger Vs. Better: Building Your Network Marketing Team

One of the biggest responsibilities in running your own business in the multi level marketing business is creating a business that continues to bring in new members.  What they say is that the more members you recruit and your business will be more profitable and successful.  But is this actually true?  When building your network marketing team, should you worry about building a bigger team or building a better team?


The fact is, your team is only going to be as good as its members.  If you have a team of twenty members and only ten are doing the work and bringing in a profit, it stands to reason that the other ten members don’t matter at all.  Or do they? 


Should you find yourself in the situation that some of the members of your network marketing team are not working to their capacity, you have a couple of choices in how you handle the matter.


One, you can do nothing about it.  After all, they are in charge of their own business, just like you and if they are happy with their efforts, that is all that matters.


Two, you can offer them support.  They may want to do better, but may be unsure of how to get their business going.  In fact, they may actually appreciate you stepping in to ask how you can help. 


Third, you can show that your upset with their performance.  However, this may just drive them further away and instead of motivating them, you’ve given them a reason to quit. 


What you must realize is that the size of your networking marketing team is really not an issue.  What matters the most is the performance of your team.  Offering them support and your experience, as well as giving them motivation to do well, may be all that it takes to get them working to a higher capacity.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jobs From Home Can Make Your Life Richer In More Ways Than One

The decision to go from a traditional job outside the home and a steady paycheck to one that allows you to work from home and unsure of when the next paycheck is coming is a difficult one. Before any decision can be made, a lot of things must be considered. If you are considering this decision, you must also look at the fact that jobs from home can make your life richer in more ways than one.

Of course, the first way that jobs from home can make your life richer is through the monetary benefits. When you are employed at a position outside the home, you generally have no say in what amount you are paid for your work. Management actually decides your worth to the company and pays you accordingly. When you work for yourself, you decide the rates you feel you are worth. You are in charge of your pay.

But there is more to this type of work than money. Working for yourself out of your home allows you to lead a more pleasant and less stressful lifestyle. Just the fact that you can choose the hours you want to work makes it worthwhile for many people. When children and daycare are involved, this becomes so much more important. The worse thing for any parent is missing out on important milestones in their child’s life. Working out of your home allows you to be their for these important moments and nothing could be more important than that.

Last, working from home allow one the luxury of developing a self-confidence level that can’t be matched. The most important thing that one can do is to learn from mistakes. The fact is, there will be mistakes and probably a lot of them in the beginning. But as you learn to work through the problems, you’ll find your knowledge and self-confidence increase and more than likely, your business will increase, as well.

While making money is often one of the most important factors in considering a new business, those who are interested in living a fuller life will also find there needs are met when they choose jobs from home over more traditional employment.

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of working from home, and get great ideas for profitable home business by signing up for the free newsletter at

Friday, February 12, 2010

Home Based Small Business: The Advantages and Disadvantages

Many people dream of owning a business, but most can not come up with the money to get it started up. Either this or they do not have the experience or knowledge it takes. Thankfully, with all of the technological advances in the world, the doors have opened up and almost anyone can start their own business from their home on the Internet. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of starting up a home based small business:


A home based small business on the Internet can be started for less than $100. As it is online, you don’t have to worry about investing money into a location or office.

Your business can be run from home, meaning you do not need to spend time commuting to work. This also means saving money on gasoline.

You get to work the hours that work best for you and your lifestyle. Want to work all night long? It is your choice.

When you start a business from your home, you may be eligible for some extra tax benefits.


A home based small business requires you to have a quiet space to work. This may be difficult if you live in a small apartment or own a small home.

Working with distractions from others living with you can make it very difficult to get the work done.

Starting your own business in your home can be very stressful, as most of your time will be spent in one place, when working or not working.

Working from home can get very lonely and you will find the loneliness may be too much to take.

Both the advantages and disadvantages must be considered when you are contemplating starting a business from home. While it is certainly the best option for many people, others will find that a more traditional type of business is better for them.

Learn more about some of the home business ideas and opportunities available to all of us by signing up to my free home business newsletter.

Many Blessings!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My journey to financial freedom begins with this post. The Lords has blessed me beyond anything I ever deserved or earned.  He gets all the glory, all I do is obey.

In Christ,