Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tips to Help You Start a Home Cookie Business

Ask anyone and they will tell you how much they love homemade cookies.  Packaged cookies simply are not the same.  If you have great cookie making skills and love to spend your time baking, you may want to consider making money from it.  Many people start their own businesses based around a hobby and these are the kind that stand a better chance to succeed.  The following are 5 tips to help you start a home cookie business:


Do not start a home cookie business until you have contacted your state and your town to determine what type of business license you need.   You will also need to contact your state’s Department of Health to register with them as a local baker.  They have specific guidelines to follow to protect the health of anyone who eats the food you make.


When you start a home cookie business, you will need to invest in some baking supplies.  Before you take the money out of your savings, do some research to find out if you qualify for any special government funding to help you get started.


You will also need to determine how you are going to sell them.  Are you going to sell them locally only or do you plan to ship out cookies all over the country?  The Internet makes anything possible. 


Plan your marketing strategy.  What do you plan on doing that is going to grab the attention of cookie lovers?  If you are selling locally only, a simply flyer announcing your start up may be all that it takes.  However, if you are selling on the Internet, as well, you will want to find out the best way to reach your potential customers.


Get creative with your cookies.  While the chocolate chip may be a favorite, everyone likes to try something new.  The more time you spend in product development is only going to help you to further your success.


You will also want to be creative when you package your cookies.  This can help you brand your business and make your business stand out far above your competition.


Prepare yourself and your business for the holidays.  The orders you will get during the holiday season may be more than you can handle on your own and it is always best to have help readily available.


When you start a home cookie business, you will also need to make certain that all members of your family are on board.  Your cooking may have an effect on where your kids do their homework and what time meals are served.  Keeping them informed of what changes are likely to happen will make for a much smoother start up for you.


Tips to Help You Start a Home Cookie Business

Ask anyone and they will tell you how much they love homemade cookies.  Packaged cookies simply are not the same.  If you have great cookie making skills and love to spend your time baking, you may want to consider making money from it.  Many people start their own businesses based around a hobby and these are the kind that stand a better chance to succeed.  The following are 5 tips to help you start a home cookie business:


Do not start a home cookie business until you have contacted your state and your town to determine what type of business license you need.   You will also need to contact your state’s Department of Health to register with them as a local baker.  They have specific guidelines to follow to protect the health of anyone who eats the food you make.


When you start a home cookie business, you will need to invest in some baking supplies.  Before you take the money out of your savings, do some research to find out if you qualify for any special government funding to help you get started.


You will also need to determine how you are going to sell them.  Are you going to sell them locally only or do you plan to ship out cookies all over the country?  The Internet makes anything possible. 


Plan your marketing strategy.  What do you plan on doing that is going to grab the attention of cookie lovers?  If you are selling locally only, a simply flyer announcing your start up may be all that it takes.  However, if you are selling on the Internet, as well, you will want to find out the best way to reach your potential customers.


Get creative with your cookies.  While the chocolate chip may be a favorite, everyone likes to try something new.  The more time you spend in product development is only going to help you to further your success.


You will also want to be creative when you package your cookies.  This can help you brand your business and make your business stand out far above your competition.


Prepare yourself and your business for the holidays.  The orders you will get during the holiday season may be more than you can handle on your own and it is always best to have help readily available.


When you start a home cookie business, you will also need to make certain that all members of your family are on board.  Your cooking may have an effect on where your kids do their homework and what time meals are served.  Keeping them informed of what changes are likely to happen will make for a much smoother start up for you.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Succeed with An Internet Marketing Affiliate Program

It is extremely easy to start up an Internet marketing affiliate program.  In fact, the program itself provides everything you need to begin.  You simply must be motivated to learn and to succeed, and to have the patience and discipline to promote your business.


The best way to find an Internet marketing affiliate program is to go to a search engine and query. You will literally get thousands of ideas in just a few minutes.  Take the first few pages and click the links to be redirected to each program. 


Read about each program - What they sell, their membership criteria including payments if applicable, and what their compensation plan involves.  You may also wish to do 'due diligence' by going back to the search engine and submitting a query with the name of that program. Read any testimonials or complaints. 


Be aware that not all complaints are necessarily true and unless there are dozens you are probably safe to believe that the poster is a malcontent. Many people expect magic - that is they do not want to do any work and do not acknowledge the fact that no program will work unless they work at it aggressively and consistently over time. 


There is no magic way to get money, and only earning money from working is real. Unfortunately some people would rather believe it is the program that has the problem and feel embarrassed that they actually thought money would pour out of their computer after they joined a program. With that said, there are some unscrupulous people/programs so do pay attention to unrealistic claims.


When you find one or more programs that you like, simply complete the application on their site.  You will receive your username and password and a link for your Internet marketing affiliate program sales page that is encoded with your affiliate ID. 


Login and just start at the top to see everything they have available on their menu. This can include your profile which you should be sure is correct so that they can send your commissions, etc., any instructions/FAQs, their support links and possibly more resources you can use for marketing.


To earn money as an affiliate marketer, you need to market and advertise your links to promote your business.  Having the link alone does nothing, as nobody is likely to see it.  There are many techniques you can use including numerous free Internet marketing strategies.  Now get busy!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to Start a Home Food Business

If you enjoy cooking, baking, or growing your own food, you may want to learn how to start a home food business.  First, it will allow you the luxury of working from you home and second, it can help you to earn a pretty decent income.  Many people prefer to buy their food locally and, if you can offer something unique, you may find people all over the country will want your food shipped to them. 


If you are interested and want to start a home food business, the first thing you should do is practice.  Spend a lot of time on what you plan to offer to your customers so that you can work out any issues that could arise.  Set up a test for yourself to see how well you can meet deadlines.  Does the food always come out the same or does the quality change when you are under pressure?  This is where the practice comes into play.  Remember, practice will make perfect.


Contact the state you live in, as well as your town, to ask whether you will need any special licenses.  Many states will also require that you contact the Department of Health to set up an inspection for the area you will be doing your food preparation. 


The next step is to create a business name for yourself and then create a business plan.  This will help you to formalize all of the details, including what you will offer, your price points, how you plan to finance your operation, and how you plan to promote your business.  Anyone who does not create this written business plan will immediately put their business at risk for the lack of organization.  It will also put you out of the running if you need a business loan.


Prepare for your business by creating a website for your business, as well as business cards.  If you plan to sell locally only, marketing could involve ads in the newspaper, on the radio, and even on the television.  However, if you plan to ship the products outside your location, go wild with your online marketing strategy.  You will find that press release marketing will be more than helpful and can get your business off to a great start.


Once you start marketing your business, be prepared.  When you start a home food business and offer quality products, you could immediately receive a large amount of orders.  Be prepared for this to happen, but most important, have fun with your new business.  You will be getting paid for doing something that brings you joy.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Very Good Way to Find Jobs in An Economic Recession

It is very difficult to find jobs right now because companies are downsizing due to lower than normal profits.  Although the economy is rebounding to some degree, it will take longer for corporations and retail businesses to have the confidence to expand their workforce.


One of the very best ways to find jobs has always been to work as a temporary for a temporary agency.  Particularly right now, as the economy is improving, there is work to be done, and only skeleton crews who have survived job layoffs and workforce reduction.


A business would prefer to hire a temporary worker because they do not have to pay employee benefits such as medical insurance and pensions.  This saves the company millions of dollars in the first place. 


Additionally, they do not have to anticipate the possibility of another downsizing campaign where they will have to pay severance pay and unemployment benefits. Temporary workers have a contract, that is either delimited or open-ended - for example for '2-weeks' or 'indefinite', that could last for a year or more!


With that said, working as a temporary has always been a great way to find jobs even without a recession.  The reasons being that often the very job that you are being asked to fill temporarily is a position that they are or will advertise to fill in the near future.


If you are doing a good job and fit in with the culture at the company, you may be invited to apply for the position.  In fact this works great for them in that they can often save the cost of advertising and they have already seen your work habits and personality, unlike an applicant off the street.


As well, you will be privy to other positions that are or become available in that company, sometimes before they are even advertised. The power of networking plays well here, as you are known at least somewhat by people in the company who can speak well of you. Nothing better than an internal reference that includes proven skills.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tips for Advertising Your Business Opportunity

Advertising is one of the most important aspects of parts of creating a successful business. It is essential to make sure others know about your business, and the only way that will transpire is if you are consistently advertising your business opportunity. Not only is advertising important but also the way you choose to advertise. You don’t want to advertise blindly thinking when you reach more people you will generate more interest. The key is to reach your target audience or those most likely to be interested in the products or services you are offering.


The advertising mode you use is quite important to your success. While classified advertising may work for local advertising, it is not as effective within the online community. That doesn’t mean you won’t achieve any success by advertising your business opportunity in classified advertisements, but you do not want to make it your primary advertising method. When you first begin you may wish to utilize more effective methods and save the classified advertising for a later date when you have a high budget and can choose those ads that will provide the most exposure.  


The primary method you will likely use in order to make sure your business gets the most exposure is website submission. Unless you submit your website to the search engines no one will be able to find your website in a search thus any other methods you use for advertising your business opportunity will be fruitless. You may receive a few visitors from your other advertising, but none of them will be able to find you in searches, the most essential component of a successful online business. You can choose one of the free services initially and submit your website to 40 search engines and then later choose a premium service that often submits your website to over 600 search engines and over 1,000 directories.


A cheap and effective means of advertising is including your website URL in the signature line of your email. This will assure everyone to whom you send an email as the option of checking out your website without it appearing as if you are doing any advertising. Quite often someone will go to your website out of curiosity and discover they are interested in the information it provides. It doesn’t have to be just business email; you can include it in your personal email as an added bonus.


Email advertising is another good method for advertising, but you have to be careful you do not spam anyone. Many people will leave links in forums and other places they frequent asking people to contact them for more information if they are interested. They may also collect email addresses from other sources and send an introductory email requesting permission to send more information.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spotlight on Email Marketing

One of the cheapest and most successful forms of marketing business types of all kinds is email marketing.  When you have a list of email address from your target market, you will find the opportunity to get more business is great.  However, those who don’t understand the ins and outs of this marketing technique, you may not be using it to your full potential.


The mistake many people make is not planning their email marketing strategy.  They think if they send out a quick email, it will do the trick.  The fact is, it won’t.  You must first understand what your goals are, choose what software you should use to assist you, and prepare your list of email addresses.  If you have a lead generation system on your website, these are the ones you will want to use.  However, if you don’t, you can purchase leads from a reputable company specializing in providing leads to businesses like yours.


Next, you will want to sit down and prepare your first email to be sent.  Generally, a newsletter style of email is usually very successful.  Just make sure your writing is consistent and the content will keep the reader interested.  If you’re wondering what you could include for content, try your hand at product reviews, tips on how to get the most of the product, tips about operating the business, and a quick how to guide on some aspect of the business.


After the content is ready, you’ll then want to create a template to use for the newsletter design.  One thing you want to do is to make your template similar to your business website or blog.  You want the reader to associate the newsletter with your business.  Therefore, it may be best to find a similar template as the one you used in the creation of your website.  Before you send it out to those on your list, always have it checked for errors by someone else.  Nothing could be worse than sending out an email that contains misspellings and typos. 


Email marketing can be a very effective strategy when done right.  It’s a great way to keep in touch with your current customers and a great way to follow up with potential customers.  Just keep in mind, the content should be original and free from errors.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Home Business Opportunities You Won't Want To Miss

Home business opportunities are springing up online every day.  The opportunities to be your own boss, increase your wealth, and maximize your free time have never been so great. If you are looking to work from home part time or even full time, there are several new ventures you should consider.


First, the old adage that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure has never been so true.  With the advent of online auction sites, collectors of even the most outrageous items can find hidden treasures.  Walk through your garage or attic and take a cursory inventory of the toys, collectibles, and antiques that are just collecting dust.  These items could net you great profit with just a little effort through online auctions.


Second, network marketing has gained momentum online as a powerhouse opportunity for financial gain.  A person who enjoys making new friends and talking to strangers can find a real niche within this internet industry.  These days, network marketing is more global than ever, and a bilingual individual could make even more money.


Third, article marketing presents an opportunity to earn steady income to even writers with no training.  This home business opportunity requires zero investment or training, and provides a lot of room for growth through increased writing efforts.  Whether you write for yourself or subcontract with an online company, article marketing presents an honest way to earn a living online.


Fourth, affiliate with an already established online business.  Piggy backing off of a company that has already established its mode of operations, designed its website, and written its product presents a really effective way to create your own business without the tedious work of actually designing your own business line form the ground up.


These hot job opportunities continue to grow every day, and thousands of people are taking advantage of the wealth-making opportunities.  Take a look at your interest and skill set today, and then find the home business opportunities that could change your life.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Living the Green Life at Home

Many of us are very familiar with the “Green Movement” and all the fuzz it has created. But, the whole concept has taken a whole new meaning. As we have watched the economy flip and flop, and after witnessing what has probably been one of the harshest winters in recent history, we are all beginning to wonder if this whole “going green” thing might have its merits. Is it really possible to live the green life at home? Actually, there are some simple, easy to implement, ideas that can not only have your entire family going green, but will save you some money in the process.


Let’s begin with the most obvious, and simple to execute green solution: conservation. Water and energy conservation are key elements to save both money and the environment. While at some point in history we treated water and fuel as though they were impossible to deplete, we have found out the hard way that they will not last forever. To conserve water try the following; set time limits on showers. It is totally unnecessary to take 20-minute long showers. Give each family member an allotted time, and keep tabs of the time used. After a while they will be so used to 5-minute showers, you won’t need to keep checking on them. Also, if you, or anyone in the family, can’t live without taking a bath, don’t waste bath water. Use it to flush toilets and water plants. Finally, don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth. Get the brush wet, close the tab, brush and scrub, and use a little water, poured into a glass, to rinse. You’ll be amazed at how much your water bill is reduced.
Energy conservation can be just as simple, and you can also implement some ideas to make it fun in the process. The obvious answer, turn off any lights and appliances you are not actively using. Unplug big appliances like television and the computer when they will be unused for a while. Replace television time with fun, family activities that do not require electricity. Try stepping outside for a BBQ, or have a board game night. Reading to young children is also fun, inexpensive, and they really come to value the time you spend with them. For grown ups, try having a romantic candle-light dinner.


Conservation will only get us so far. For things like waste and toxic exposure, management is the key. Waste management is by far the most important skill to learn and implement. Recycling has come a long way, but we still need to make improvements. Get your children involved in the process. Teach them how to separate recyclables, and reward them for placing items in the correct bins. When faced with a project or craft, challenge yourself, and your kids, to see if you can find ways to reuse waste from the recycle bins as part of those projects. For example, if your child needs to create a model of the solar system, reused newspaper makes great papier-mâché. Research the internet for fun, green craft projects to complete with your kids. You can teach them how to recycle paper, or use old cookie tins to make creative scrapbooks.
As far as managing toxic exposure, a bit of research, and old-school wisdom can go a long way. Replace harsh chemicals with wonderful products you already have around the house. Try cleaning your window panes with white vinegar. It actually works better than any product I’ve ever used. For the bathroom, make a paste of baking soda and water. It makes a wonderful scrub with no fumes. Need to clean leather, including shoes, try a bit of black coffee. To remove stains, lemon juice and water usually do the trick. Really, anything that needs to be done around the house can be completed with just a bit of research and imagination


Re-educating yourself and your family is really the key to living the green life at home. Learn to shop the local farmer’s market. Fruits and vegetables are tastier, less expensive and even healthier when they are in season. Whenever possible, walk or ride a bike. You’ll save money on gas, reduce your carbon footprint on the planet, and get healthier in the process. Plan family activities which take you outdoors. Fresh air promotes healthier living, and helps you conserve resources at home. Get involved in, or plan, community activities which help the environment and your budget. Creating a community garden is the latest rage, and, when done properly, it can actually be the best time and resource investment your community ever makes.

While it may take some getting used to and some time, all these tips will not only move you closer to living the green life at home, but they will also save you a few bucks in the process. Get your family involved and enjoy each moment. You will find that, in no time. Living the green life will be the only way you know how to live.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Life as an Affiliate Marketing Associate

If you’ve dreamed about working from your home, you may just want to give it go.  The fact is, it can be a very rewarding experience.  One popular method of earning money at home is with affiliate marketing.  This allows you to sell the products of another business and earn commissions on what you sell.  But, what will your life be like as an affiliate associate?


First of all, it is important to know that as an affiliate associate, you are your own boss.  You will be responsible for deciding what hours you are going to work.  Of course, this can be a good thing or a bad thing.  If procrastination seems to be part of your world, you may want to set specific hours for yourself.  If not, then you can enjoy the flexibility of this lifestyle to its extreme, even getting up really late after working all night long.  


To be successful, though, you must make certain that you are able to commit yourself to the tasks at hand.  Most of your time will be spent marketing the various products you’ve chosen to sell.  One any given day, you could be writing articles or product reviews, posting in forums and discussion groups, or writing on your blog.  There are numerous ways in which you can use to advertise the products and it will be your main job.


However, one other item is also very important.  You must be able to choose the right products to sell in your business.  Keep in mind, you will choose those that have difficulty selling.  It’s going to happen, but when it does, don’t let it get you down.  Do some research on what items are hot sellers and you will get a better idea of what items you should sell.


Life as an affiliate associate can be a very pleasant one.  However, if you want to quit your current position to start this new venture fulltime, you may want to hold off for a bit.  Getting your own business started is easy, but making it profitable and making a decent income can take time.  Be patient and soon you can enjoy your life as an affiliate.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How to Get Affiliate Marketing Sales Commissions

Affiliate programs make it so easy for you to start an affiliate marketing sales business.  All you need to do is complete an application in order to begin.  Some are even free to join, however usually have more benefits if you upgrade and pay a small monthly fee.


As soon as your application is processed, you receive a ready-made web page with your own affiliate ID embedded. Often they will also provide banners and other graphics to help you promote your business, and some documentation to help you get started with marketing.


The affiliate program will also handle your sales transactions and any customer service associated with your sales. They will account for your commissions and send you a payment.  This leaves you free to do your part, which is promoting your business.


All you need to do to get affiliate marketing sales is market and advertise your web page, banners and affiliate ID aggressively and consistently over time.  Just like real life - work for money.


However this appears to be the sticking point for some. Some feel that just by virtue of becoming a member of a program and having a web page that they are now entitled to become automatically wealthy, ideally within a week.


They want to believe that people are making money hand over fist by a magical process that happens on the Internet.  Hence, unfortunately they do not take the action necessary or at least do not take enough action to succeed in making affiliate marketing sales.


If and when they do realize that they need to do some work, they will make a half-hearted attempt now and then, however when they don't see any results from this, they will often throw up their hands and quit.  They would rather just fail than give it more effort to see what might happen.  Often they will also pronounce the program does not work or even that it is a scam.


This is really one of those 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink' stories.  It's really kind of a sad story at that.  What a waste.  With some realistic and logical thinking, a dash of discipline and motivation and learning a few marketing skills, no telling how successful this same person in this same exact program may have become.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tips on Increasing Your Affiliate Sales

Want to join one of the most popular online businesses?  Affiliate marketing is one of the best businesses you can get into on the Internet.  It is so easy that almost anyone can be successful at it, even those that have no experience whatsoever in marketing.  However, to make the most money, you will want to pay attention to the following tips on increasing your affiliate sales:


To make the most in affiliate sales, concentrate on only one topic on your website.  Do not list a wide variety of products.  This will only confuse the buyer. 


Choose the program that will give you some of the best marketing tools to help you in the promotion of their products. 


Only choose to list the products that have proven themselves to be quality.  The only thing that will happen when you sell bad quality products is that you will find your commissions deducted for returns and you may earn a bad reputation as an affiliate.



Spend time taking some online marketing classes.  Learn the best techniques to help you market the products you chose to sell.


Set up a blog and start publishing some product reviews.  However, do not write the reviews yourself, as this can seem misleading.


Invest in some tracking software, which will tell you which marketing strategies are sending you the most traffic.  You can then concentrate your time on the strategies that are working.


Join  an affiliate program that offers a two-tier structure so that you can get paid for more affiliate sales.


These are just a few of the ways you can increase your earnings.  As an affiliate, the only way for you to become successful is to make a commitment to market your products and website on a daily basis.  It will require you to have patience and it will require you to be persistent.  As long as you can do this, you will have the potential to earn a high income.



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tips for Reducing Fuel Cost

Fuel Cost

As summer approaches, we come to expect fuel costs to skyrocket. Call it supply and demand, or simply force of habit, the truth of the matter is, that higher fuel costs have all of our pockets suffering. Is there an option? Well, while our dependency on fuel is undeniable, there are some effective ways of reducing fuel cost and consumption.

Car Pool

The most obvious, and widely known, way of reducing fuel cost is to car pool. Every day, millions of Americans set out to work or school, driving solo to and from their destination. If each one of these people found just one other person to share the ride, we would instantly save half of what we spend on fuel. Not to mention reducing carbon dioxide emissions in half, as well. This is also one of the easiest solutions to implement. Find someone at work who lives nearby. Take turns driving, or pitch in to fill-up the driver’s tank. Either way, it is one less car to worry about.

Comply with Recommended Scheduled Maintenance

Tune-ups and oil changes are recommended for several reasons. Not only do they keep your vehicle running in excellent conditions, and reduce the need for more expensive repairs, but this routine maintenance can also save you money at the pump. Keeping your car fine tuned, and with clean oil and filters, reduces friction within the engine, and maximizes the effectiveness of fuel burn within the combustion chamber. The result: your full tank will last longer.

Don’t Fill-up at Noon

This might sound a bit strange, but the time of day when you fill-up your tank can be just as important as how much gas you put in. Filling-up at noon, when the weather is hot, can evaporate a significant amount of fuel as it enters the tank. Try to fill up first thing in the morning, when both the climate and the engine are cool. If you cannot do it in the morning, wait until sundown. You’ll notice a significant difference in how much your fuel lasts. Also, try to completely fill-up your tank every time. While the initial cost might be higher, a completely filled tank lasts longer than just adding a few dollars’ worth several times a week.

New Green Technologies

For thirty years scientists have been conducting research on combustion catalysts and burn rate modifiers. Their goal, to combine aerospace technology and what is known about fuel additives in order to find a product to help reduce individual carbon footprint, while still preserving and preferably enhancing engine life. By allowing fuel to burn better, these new technologies help significantly decrease the amount of carbon emissions exiting the tailpipe. Scientists have also found ways to help oil stay clean longer, which improves engine lubrication, which in turn, reduces the need for costly maintenance and repairs. All of this translates into increased horsepower, and longer lasting fuel. Whether fuel additives already added to gas before it arrives at the pump, or newer, green products which the customer can add directly to the tank, science has provided ways to extend the duration of fuel in the tank, and reduce the number of times we need to fill-up.

Do Your Share

Saving money is enough of a motivator to implement any, or all, of the tips for reducing fuel cost outlined above. But, there is a greater purpose in all of this. If we follow just one of the suggestions above we will be doing our share to reduce the carbon footprint, and improving the environment for future generations.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How to Start a Home Repair Business

Anyone with good handyman skills has a great opportunity to start a home repair business for themselves.  The key is to keep your business to just you, as any employees would require you to obtain workman’s comp insurance.  When it is just yourself, you can keep the location of your business in your home and you won’t have to worry about a payroll system, as well.   In fact, when you start a home repair business, it could be one of the most exciting adventures for you.


The first thing you will need to do is decide when you start a home repair business is to determine where you skills lie and outline the list of expert services you can provide to your customers.  The skills you offer can then help you to determine the best name for your new business.  Keep it short and simple, but something that will grab the attention of anyone who sees it.


Before you do anything else, you should inquire with your state as to whether or not you will need to secure a professional license.  This, of course, depends on which state you live in and what type of work you are going to specialize in.  You will also want to contact you town to determine if a special business license is needed and you will also want to contact the IRS for a tax identification number for your business.


Along with special licenses, you will also want to investigate the possibility of obtaining insurance to cover any liabilities from the work you do.  Without insurance, you could easily set yourself up for many problems in the future.


Once you have all your licenses, you will then want to prepare a home office for yourself and prepare yourself to get started.  This will include purchasing business cards, a cell phone so that you can easily be contacted out on the road, and a computer and printer.  You should make sure you have some type of financial software to help you keep track of your finances.


The next step is to make yourself known.  Promoting your business can be exciting.  Contact local newspapers and place an ad in your local area for your services.  Make sure you are prepared by having a list of the services you provide, as well as your rates for these services. 


Set up a website for your business and plan out your Internet marketing strategy.  Whatever you do, do not forget to contact all of the local real estate agents in your area.  These are the individuals that secure a lot of work for you. 


While the steps to start your own home repair business may seem tedious, your own business will allow you freedoms that traditional employment simply can not offer.  Once you get started and the work starts rolling in, you may just wish that you had started your own business a lot sooner. 


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Create a Green Planet, Build a HOT Business

Have you watched the news lately? Everywhere you look, there are new reports of odd climate changes. Earthquakes and floods are destroying entire communities. This winter was the harshest, and most unpredictable in decades. The cause: global warming. Poor past choices have brought us to this point. However, now we have a chance to mend past mistakes. You too can help create a green planet, AND build a HOT business in the process.

One of the main causes of global warming and the harmful effects being exhibited in current climate conditions, has been the creation of motor vehicles. Carbon emissions have increasingly depleted the ozone layer, and have created a serious environmental hazard. Not only is CO2 emission nasty smelling, it produces smog, which creates visual and air pollution, but it also contributes further to the deterioration of our planet’s overall health.

Faced with this scenario, what can we do to help? Experts are advising us to look for ways to reduce our personal carbon footprint. There is a new environmental, green fuel technology that can not only help us create a green planet, but which also provides a way to build an incredible business. EnviroTabs are organo-metallic compounds based on 30 years of combustion catalyst and burn rate modifiers research.

How do EnviroTabs work? Well, EnviroTabs are EPA registered, patent pending, tablets which are inserted in the tank at fill-up. One tablet can treat up to 20 gallons of gas. Once inserted, they dissolve almost instantly, allowing fuel to burn better inside the combustion chamber. Since fuel is used more effectively, emissions are reduced and gas actually lasts longer. With consistent use, EnviroTabs can actually save you money, by reducing the number of times you need to refill your gas tank.

Their combustion catalyst technology is also good for your engine. EnviroTabs allow oil to stay clean longer, thus enabling better lubrication inside the engine. It can also provide increased torque and acceleration, resulting in increased horsepower.

With all these benefits, EnviroTabs are clearly worth their cost. But, it does not end there. This new technology offers the opportunity to build a profitable, hot new business, which tabs into the green niche to provide multiple streams of residual income. A proven, simple to set up, system, which includes automated marketing and customer service has been created by well-known internet marketer Paul Birdsall. Paul is so confident that his system works that he is offering, for a limited time, $135 just for trying it out. For details on this better than money back guarantee and how the business works, watch the short video provided at

We CAN do our part to create a GREEN planet. Not only that, but we also have the chance to build a HOT business in the process. The only thing keeping you from making a real difference in the life of the planet AND your own is taking clear, decisive action. Don’t delay your future. Check out the video at right now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tips For a Successful Home Business Start Up

If you are one of the individuals who is jumping on the bandwagon to get our own business started, you will find it fun, exciting, and, more than likely, a little overwhelming.  There is a lot involved in a home business start up.  The following are some tips to make sure yours gets off to a successful start:


Create a business plan and your home business start up will go much smoother. It will give you instructions on taking your business from start up into the first year and will help you to set goals for your business.


Don’t jump into any opportunity.  Make certain that you really do want this type of business, instead of wasting your time on something you won’t enjoy doing.  This is a mistake that many people make and it simply leads to a failing business.


Research what is involved before you get started. Unexpected situations that occur can easily lead to your downfall.


Learn about your target market.  Who are the people that will benefit from what you are selling?  What is the best way to reach them?  If you don’t know who should buy your products, you will find it very difficult to sell anything.


Take some online marketing classes.  This will give you the knowledge you need to get your business and products noticed.  You don’t need a degree in marketing to be successful, but you do have to have the willingness to learn.


Learn to be patient.  Even if your home business start up goes smoothly, it is going to take a lot of time for your business to be at a point that it can be considered a success. 


Get organized and make certain that you are keeping concise financial records on your business.  If not, you may find that tax time is a little overwhelming.